We may be in December and what seems to be chapters beyond and long gone from our last eclipse on October 2nd and though the planets have moved on from whatever initiations occurred for us during eclipse season, now, with the Jupiter exact square to Saturn today along with the coming New Moon in Capricorn, the nature of that seed has begun to expand and unfold our attention to the growing stretch toward our next phase of the development of what was initiated.
Now, individually and collectively, we come to important growth points to whatever initiations occurred for us from the New Moon Solar Eclipse in October that was also conjunct the South Node in Libra and, interestingly, closely conjunct Mercury and True Black Moon Lilith. As you may recall on that eclipse we also had a grand water trine with Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces.
With the trine involving creative planets, Mars and Venus, and with Saturn the planet that is related to building structures supporting creation there’s an emphasis on what we are building for ourselves and in society with our Mars and Venusian consciousness. We could also say there’s an emphasis on our relationship to the masculine, Mars, and the feminine, Venus, and what we personally build creatively as a result. And, whenever Saturn is involved we are also working with a focus on the integrity by which, and of which, we build assessing and taking responsibility for it, as well. And, if we are empowered creators we will note our capacity to build with authenticity. We know that a keyword for Saturn is authenticity and when you understand how consciousness develops through the signs on the wheel of consciousness you know that Sagittarius season, ruled by Jupiter, comes before Capricorn season, ruled by Saturn. This means that we develop from the axis in consciousness from Gemini/Sagittarius ‘truth vs lies’ to Cancer/Capricorn the axis in consciousness where we develop emotional and foundational security. So in essence we build our foundations and security based upon the ideas and beliefs we subscribe to and that represent a support for what we create.
If we have not discerned what is true for us versus what is not true Or what is honest as opposed to dishonesty that *covers* what is true for us, then in Capricorn we build structures of emotional security based on lies that seem to equate to our own perceived sense of security. We set up false structures for ourselves externally and ultimately find that faulty structures made with superficial materials eventually crumble. When we build things from flimsy material it doesn’t last long nor stand the test of time. This is why understanding the difference between timeless truths represented by a healthy exploration of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in consciousness, as opposed to only acknowledging the current state or cycle of ideas and beliefs in culture and society, is helpful in personally making good investments by subscribing to ideas and beliefs that we can creatively build our dreams upon.
With the trio of Mars, Venus, and Saturn trine on the October 2nd eclipse there’s been quite a lot of energetic support to build with, making it easy to build with our masculine and feminine nature … if we are balanced and if we are building from ideas that represent what is true for us. With the South Node in Libra, though, the balance of masculine and feminine energy is up for review in order to seed results and rewards to come in 9 years and the next 18.5 years as the nodes return to Aries and Libra again.
Are we getting back what energy we put into our relationships? Do we receive back from what we invest in others? Is our feminine nature, the principle of receiving, getting a good return from our investing of energy, focus and sharing of time, our masculine?
With the continuation of growth of the seed planted on the New Moon Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd — Lilith conjunct the South Node, the Moon, Sun and also Mercury in Libra powerfully brings these considerations to consciousness for review.
In case you are not familiar with Lilith she was the first wife of Adam in the original creation story. She, made from the same stardust as Adam, was not willing to be unequal and subservient to Adam as he requested. Her first commitment was to the Creator, to being herself as she was created and owning her right to be so. She was unwilling to give that up for Adam, representative of the masculine and the “other”. When you think about the story its ultimately expressing that the feminine was unwilling to be dishonest with who she is and her inherent birth right to be that, not giving her power over to serve the role another wanted her to be. You can consider as well that this was the first masculine and feminine story. With the masculine actively unwilling to accept equality, the truth of being and what is, Lilith either left the situation, leaving the garden, or she was cast out by Adam. Therefore, Lilith has come to represent many things worthy of contemplating here but I will draw our attention to the fact that Lilith, whether by transit or as placed in our natal charts is the feminine that has often been demonized and cast out for her unwillingness to be anything other that what she naturally is, equal to all of creation and unwilling to live a life not in alignment with the truth of her place in creation itself. Lilith, therefore, has to do with the truth because she has do with our primal instincts inherent in all of us to be what we are naturally, honestly as we are created by the Creator.
Lilith by transit is now quite prominent again and speaking in new ways in how she is playing out with the current transits in the sky. You might recall that in 2020 we began a new 200 year social cycle in air signs with the two planets Jupiter and Saturn meeting at 0 degrees Aquarius. Now, December 24th, Pluto has recently crossed the 0 degrees of Aquarius highlighting the conjunction that took place there and we find ourselves at the exact first quarter square with Jupiter retrograde at 14 Gemini and Saturn at 14 Pisces.
As you may know the square between two planets or points in the sky naturally involves pressure which is called ‘crisis in action’, which we probably all feel now. We feel the crisis internally with our relationship to ourself possibly, our own beliefs, and in our connections and relationships “out there”. The pressure feels like and translates to ‘crisis’ because we are stretching into the expansion of something new and what is unknown in experience. The Jupiter/ Saturn square is the pressure of birthing a new society, ultimately. We are building new ways we will interact socially, which first stems from how we relate to ourselves and in this case our own truth and how we relate to others with our own truth. This brings the current culmination of the Aries/Libra nodes and Aries and Libra eclipses to our attention as the nodes move to Virgo/Pisces in January 2025.
The square between Jupiter retrograde and Saturn can have us questioning what is true for us to build on from here. And True Black Moon Lilith now retrograde at 15 degrees Libra making aspects to the Jupiter/Saturn square, being in a quincunx to Saturn presently direct in Pisces and trine Jupiter retrograde can be emphasizing the clues as to what is necessary if it is true connection we are looking for in our relationships and how we build our reality and our creations from that, socially.
Now, with the quincunx to Saturn there’s an adjustment that must be made, a way we may need to discern and self improve in order to own our right to be as we are, truthfully, and possibly self correct in the way in which we’ve given over our innate primal wisdom to society that must be released in order to integrate our true nature, our primal instinct of being what we say we are and what we say we want. There’s an ease with the trine to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini from Lilith to release beliefs we have possibly long held in how we’ve been taught to connect with others that, if we so choose, we can let go of in order to integrate our own right to be as we are, created by God and not an “other”, and own our own inheritance as an extension of the Creator. But, it is our choice. We have free will to create with. This is our natural inherent gift to choose responsibly. And, likely that choice takes effort, Mars and Saturn, coming from a society where the feminine is not valued nor honored equally as the masculine sides of our nature have been in the “past”. The extreme of the masculine imbalance meaning —to be productive, to constantly work to make it, rather than balance our ‘creative’ need to relax and receive inspiration from God, the higher mind, to create from, to acquiesce to other’s beliefs and ideals rather than our own removing our connection to our own power and life force energy.
Embracing authenticity is a Lilith theme as is a Saturn theme and this means that in order to be authentic to our own dreams we must be willing to face our need to give and receive equally and authentically. To act, Mars, and to just be with what is true with the moment, the feminine, equally. To act and ‘to be’ honestly—first and foremost with ourselves because the social and society that has been built, that is now crumbling, isn’t balanced which is why it crumbles in the first place. In a society where its not “cool” or not accepted to think differently, believe differently, to play a unique role rather than a conforming role there is a social pressure to not be authentic, to conform, and not be transparent. And, generally it’s not been acceptable to relax and to feel, to have emotions and share authentically what we are sensing unabashedly. This touches a primal instinct to be accepted in the group because to be accepted in the group, the community, is linked unconsciously and subconsciously to survival. Our survival instincts are our primal instincts. This stems way back to the first group we were a part of .. our family or group of origin, our caretakers that we were dependent upon to survive as infants, toddlers, and adolescents. Part of the maturation phase out of adolescence to adult is the capacity to become responsible for our own life by building foundations of security within ourselves with our own creative capacity and the development of our own ideas and beliefs … Mars and Venus, masculine and feminine, putting forth effort to create foundations that support our ongoing creative endeavors and built from ideas and beliefs that resonate and naturally support it. In essence, then, we must know ourselves and balance the truth of our own masculine and feminine nature with others in right relationship and know what right relationship is because we are resonating to our own ideas and beliefs, we know ourselves. We must relax enough to know what our truth is and *be* it by being true to it and acting on it.
When we embody “being” honestly we begin to embody the original feminine and Lilith. We embody our capacity to truly receive. But in these days, it is an act of rebellion to receive, even ourselves. We know the fact that even the abused— once suppressed, oppressed, and repressed enough— will fight for their abusers. People are often more afraid of change than they are of their own suffering because the suffering is at least predictable and known. When we face the unknown we must face our capacity to trust ourselves and our instincts, our bodies’ wisdom, our creative capacity, and ultimately trust God. We must face the new and what is not known. We must face being cast out or leaving what is not true for us anymore.
I think its important to note that when our ego brain doesn’t know what it is looking at or understand it, it naturally projects fear. This is our inherent survival instinct. However, when our brain projects fear whatever it is we are looking at is now imbued with our now projection of fear and it no longer remains what it is, at least from our own point of view. And remember, Aries and Libra are the archetypes of projection. This is the part of the brain that projects consciousness outward imbued by its own consciousness and its own ideas and perception. Keeping this in mind now may actually lead to our own creative freedom and the releasing of the old beliefs and dream into something entirely new creatively rather than building yet again from any lies that keeps the masculine and feminine imbalanced and controlled by beliefs and therefore only able to dream and create based on those subconscious beliefs.
The coming New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th at 9 degrees will be square True Black Moon Lilith. The coming initiation here brings the pressure to own your Lilith nature and stand for your own ability to create from ideas that represent your truth rather than those of others in relationship, community, society, and culture; to own your right to create authentically from your own relationship to God.
And, just the day before the New Moon, on the 29th of December, Chiron in Aries stations direct, giving opportunity to heal the masculine by embracing the deep feminine nature within, the true nature of your place in creation, honoring and authentically creating your own garden in consciousness representative of the honest masculine and honest feminine nature to create your new dream and a new heaven on Earth.
Thanks for reading and contemplating with me.
Let me know what you think!
~ Alise
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